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How to Co-Parent During the COVID-19 Situation

Parent and child

Our office has received a lot of calls with questions about parenting arrangements during this chaotic time. The following are tips on how to weather the storm:

  1. Follow Your Parenting Agreement as Closely as Possible.

Do not take advantage of the uncertain climate to withhold your child from their other parent. The courts are currently closed in Connecticut for all non-emergency matters, which will include almost all family matters. When life returns to normal, the courts will probably be confronted with situations in which parents withheld children. Do not make this mistake.

Make arrangements for exchanges that mirrors what your agreement states. For example, if pick up was from school, instead pick up at 3 pm when school is typically released.

Be flexible as most parenting agreements will require some adjustments.

  1. Use Good Judgment.

What if you don’t agree on how the other parent is handling things? What if you believe access to the outside world should be limited right now and they planned a playdate with the neighbors?

Until there are government orders for isolation, you cannot force the other parent to act in accordance with what you believe is appropriate.

It is us up to both parents to use good judgment and if you can have a unified front on what that looks like for your child, you will not be sending your child mixed messages.

  1. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

You need to put aside your feelings about the other parent and communicate.

Share what your child needs to do if virtual learning has been enabled with their school. Share if your child is not feeling well. Maybe, even share over-the-counter medications as they transition from one house to another because medications are scarce right now.

Keep communication open and civil.

AT BLG, we will continue to be available to our clients as we navigate these novel times. If you are a client and have a question, please email or call. This is not intended to be legal advice, but merely guidelines to consider.
